Coque iphone 5s madame new VP8 WebM codec is a mess coque samsung s10 led-vistaprint coque samsung galaxy j1-ovpstx

new VP8 WebM codec is a mess

Despite the unbridled enthusiasm among bloggers for Google’s newly announced free WebM codec, a digital video expert has coque iphone 6 world map reviewed the new VP8 specification and delivered a huawei y5 2019 coque fortnite severely deflating technical analysis, noting that it decodes video slowly, is buggy, and copies H.264 closely enough to all but guarantee patent issues.

The knee jerk reaction to Google’s announcement was to ask whether Microsoft and Apple would immediately jump to support the new codec, given that the two companies offer the default choice in web browsers to nearly all desktop coque huawei p19 lite users, and given Apple’s chanel coque iphone 7 strong influence over mobile devices.

Speaking to journalists, Microsoft offered to “support” the new codec as long as users installed it themselves, leaving reporters to wonder aloud if Apple (which has not commented on the issue) coque pour huawei p20lite would also allow its Mac users to install their own codecs, as it always has for the last twenty years. coque huawei Mac users can already install Ogg Theora within QuickTime; it’s just that Apple doesn’t do coque iphone 4 pretty little liars this for them because doing so would open the company up to patent assault.

Ars even wondered in print if Google would take the “nuclear option” and cut off support for viewing groupon coque iphone 6 H.264 videos in YouTube to force the world to use its new VP8, killing off all support for YouTube on existing mobile devices. coque huawei coque huawei The site also suggested that Apple was a major intellectual property holder in the coque iphone 5c nique MPEG H.264 patent pool, and therefore that it gets royalties from the use of H.264 that would prevent the company from being interested in free, open alternatives.

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However, Apple has never been a major codec developer. coque samsung While the ISO’s MPEG 4 adopted Apple’s QuickTime container file format as the basis coque iphone 6s nike just do it for the standard MP4 container in 1998, that was a contribution by Apple, not coque antichoc huawei p smart 2018 something that could or coque iphone 5c flash has generated significant patent royalties.

If Apple had a bunch of proprietary codec technology to push, it wouldn’t have made a splash about licensing the third party Sorenson codec for QuickTime 3.0 back in 1998, when that codec was among the world’s most advanced. Apple continued to license subsequent Sorenson Video codecs through QuickTime 5 in 2001, in an effort to distinguish its media platform as the best way to present and view video.

But Apple then began to focus its resources on supporting the open development of the ISO’s MPEG 4 codecs, leaving Sorenson to licenses its proprietary codecs to Macromedia’s Flash. diy iphone case Macromedia also licensed coque iphone 5 princesses On2′s VP6, which became the preferred codec for Flash starting with version 8 in 2005. coque iphone In contrast, Apple relegated the coque huawei y5 2018 noir Sorenson codecs into a bin of legacy codecs within QuickTime, pushing MPEG 4′s H.263 codec and later the more advanced H.264 in QuickTime 7.

The coque iphone 6 riven commercial development of video codecs was moving so quickly that Apple saw value in pooling the top technology company’s video expertise together and licensing it all in one place from the ISO’s MPEG LA, an independent entity with no bias toward any particular company.

With digital video playback standards having moved beyond the desktop computer and into embedded and mobile devices, video games, disc coque iphone se grise players and other applications, it was no longer in Apple’s best interests to have an coque iphone 4s pinterest exclusive proprietary coque iphone 5 gamer codec in QuickTime anymore. Instead, Apple prefers open standards in video codec technology, just as prefers open standards on the web, where proprietary encroachments like Adobe’s Flash can only complicate its efforts to build its hardware products. coque huawei The actual video technology comes from the hardware coque iphone 6s qualité component and software makers that have always been part of MPEG, including Bosch, Dolby, Ericsson, Frauenhofer, Fujitsu, Hitachi, Philips, JVC, LG, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, Siemens, Sony, and Toshiba.

Even Microsoft, which has developed far more technology in the area of video encoding and decoding than Apple, says it earns about half as much from H.264 royalties compared to how much it pays to the MPEG LA in order to use the pool’s technology. iphone case coque samsung Apple is clearly not supporting H.264 because it is getting rich doing so. If there were coque iphone qui flotte some openly available, free alternative to the advanced video technology being collaboratively developed by all the world’s advanced video experts, Apple would coque iphone 5s silicone totoro happily use that.

The problem is that the patents are already filed, and there isn’t any acceptable, free technology that coque iphone 5 avec batterie can be used that is not subject to respecting those patents. coque iphone The only way to coque iphone barbapapa get the world’s most advanced video technology is to pay for it.

Or you can steal it

After Apple began shifting its desktop computers and mobile devices toward the open (but not free) H.264 specification, it started to become apparent that alternative proprietary codecs were often simply open MPEG 4 specifications with some improvements made to them.

Sorenson Video 3 was revealed by an anonymous developer’s reverse engineering to simply be a tweaked version of H.264, while Microsoft’s competing Windows Media Codec, once published by the SMTPE under the name VC 1, was also revealed to be largely derived from MPEG standards, a revelation that limited Microsoft from substantially profiting from VC 1 royalties.

Now, Jason Garrett Glaser (also known as Dark Shikari) an independent developer working on the x264 open source project (which encodes H.264 video) has discovered the same thing about Google’s new VP8, branded as WebM.

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